Lord of Chaos - Robert Jordan - A Short Summary and Review


A short summary of Lord Of Chaos:

The dark one is getting warmer, the Black Tower grows, and Aes Sedai behave badly, on both sides.

My favorite Robert Jordan quote from the book:

"Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today."

Questions to ponder while reading:

Is it ever smart to trust an enemy?

Are there good enough reasons to betray your values?

My review:

Book 6 of 14!  This is becoming a grind!

More twists than a maze.

I should think people who are so old would behave better.

Did you know Robert Jordan was in the US Army?  Read his #EverydayPatriot biography here:

****** *********************************

a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. 

In addition to her travel writings at www.takethebackroads.com, you can also read her book reviews at www.riteoffancy.com and US military biographies at www.everydaypatriot.com

Her online photography gallery can be found at shop.takethebackroads.com


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