Stories I Only Tell My Friends - Rob Lowe - A Short Summary and Review

A short summary of Stories I Only Tell My Friends: The autobiography of a talented actor. My favorite Rob Lowe quote from the book: "All of us, on a daily basis, have the opportunity to move forward or backward or stay put. Today, I know to move forward." Questions to ponder while reading: Which role is your favorite? Could you survive Hollywood? My review of the book: An awesome story about a well-lived life. Lots of fun in a book. I've always been a big fan of Sodapop. (Total geek moment - I'm a total Outsider's fan - read that review here - and in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there is The Outsider's House Museum, created by Danny O'Connor, and it's so much fun to visit. Read all about it here: ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. In addition to her tra...